Sno | global.asax | web.config |
1 | Class File | Its an XML file |
2 | There can be only one for an application | there can be many if under different sub-folders |
3 | Can have Application and Session events | Can't |
4 | Need to be recompiled when changes are made | No need to compile when changes are made. |
Two debugging tools come with .NET, they are :
1. CorDBG
– command-line debugger
2. DbgCLR – graphic debugger.
Sno | const | readonly |
1 | Can't be static. | Can be instance level or static |
2 | evaluated at design time | evaluated at run time |
3 | Initialized at declaration | Initialized at declaration and in constructor |
4 | must be of integral type or enumeration | In addition it can have complex types with new keyword and enumerations are not allowed |
Sno | Abstract Class | Interface |
1 | Can have implemented Methods | Cant |
2 | A class can inherit only one abstract class | A Class can implement any number of Interfaces. |
3 | We go for Abstract classes on such situations where we need to give common functionality for group of related classes | We go for Interface on such situations where we need to give common functionality for group of un-related classes |
4 | If you add a new method, then you can provide a default implementation and so no need to make any change to existing work. | If you add a new method, then you need to change all the existing work. |
5 | Static and Instance constants are possible. | Only Static constants are possible. |