What are the types of customErrors Mode in ASP.NET?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There are 3 types of mode, they are:
1. On
This setting applies when you want to enable custom errors.
2. Off
This setting applies when you want to disable custom errors.
3. RemoteOnly
This is when you want to display custom errors only to the Remote clients and generic full errors to local client.

Daily Tips- Tip #20 - How will you Check whether a browser supports AJAX callback or not?

You can check whether a browser supports AJAX callback or not by using the following property,
Request.Browser.SupportsCallback property.


What is a breadcrumb ?

A breadcrumb is a feature of ASP.NET SiteMapPath which shows the user's current location (hierarchy of the flow in which he came) and allows him to navigate back through any of the flow he came through by links.


Daily Tips- Tip #19 - How will you enable or disable Themes in a Page?

You can enable or disable Themes in a Page by setting 'true' or 'false' to the Page directive EnableTheming.



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