Tell some examples for Library List Templates in Sharepoint ?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1. Document Library
2. Form Library
3. Wiki Page Library
4. Picture Library
5. Report Library

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Tell some examples for Custom List Templates in Sharepoint ?

1. KPI List Template (MOSS only)
2. Languages and Translators (MOSS only)

www.codecollege.NET||The Encylopedia of Web Sites|Blogging and Earning

Tell some examples for Tracking List Templates in Sharepoint ?

1. Links
2. Calendar
3. Tasks
4. Issue Tracking

www.codecollege.NET||The Encylopedia of Web Sites|Blogging and Earning

Tell some examples for Communication List Templates in Sharepoint ?

1. Announcements
2. Contacts
3. Discussion Board

www.codecollege.NET||The Encylopedia of Web Sites|Blogging and Earning

What is the purpose of Libraries List Templates in SharePoint ?

It provides file storage and Management .

www.codecollege.NET||The Encylopedia of Web Sites|Blogging and Earning

What is the purpose of Custom List Templates in SharePoint ?

It has advanced options like KPI tracking and language translation.

www.codecollege.NET||The Encylopedia of Web Sites|Blogging and Earning

What is the purpose of Tracking List Templates in SharePoint ?

It helps site users manage schedules and activities.

www.codecollege.NET||The Encylopedia of Web Sites|Blogging and Earning

What is the purpose of Communications List Templates in SharePoint ?

Its for connecting site users by providing platform for sharing contact information, ideas and announcements

www.codecollege.NET||The Encylopedia of Web Sites|Blogging and Earning

What are the various types of SharePoint List Templates ?

There are 4 categories, they are :
1. Communications
2. Tracking
3. Custom
4. Libraries

www.codecollege.NET||The Encylopedia of Web Sites|Blogging and Earning

What is a Document Library in SharePoint ?

It is a specialized type of list in which every memeber is a file and it can also have additional columns, or metadata associated with that file.

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What is the expansion of CLS ?

Common Language System

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What is the expansion of CTS ?

Common Type System

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What is the expansion of MSIL ?

MicroSoft Intermediate Language

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What is the expansion of ADO ?

ActiveX Data Object

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What is the expansion of OLE DB ?

Object Linking and Embedding DataBase

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What is the expansion of OLE ?

Object Linking and Embedding

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What is the expansion of ODBC ?

Open DataBase Connectivity

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What is the expansion of NLB ?

Network Load Balance

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What is the expansion of UDA ?

Universal Data Access

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What is the expansion of MTS ?

Microsoft Transaction Server

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What is the expansion of DNA ?

Distributed iNternet application Architecture

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What is the expansion of GUID ?

Global Unique Identifier

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What is the expansion of IDL ?

Interface Definition Language

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What is the expansion of COM?

Component Object Model

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What is the expansion of PNRP ?

Peer Name Resolution Protocol

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What is the expansion of DSML ?

Directory Service Markup Language

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