What are the different types of System Testing ?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

1. Facility Testing
2. Volume Testing
3. Stress Testing
4. Usability Testing
5. Security Testing
6. Performance Testing
7. Storage Testing
8. Configuration Testing
9. Installability Testing
10. Reliability Testing
11. Recovery Testing
12. Serviceability Testing
13. Documentation Testing
14. Procedure Testing

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What is System Testing ?

The process of comparing the software to its original objectives.

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What is Function Testing ?

It is process of finding discrepencies between the program and requirement.

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What is the other name of Unit Testing ?

Module Testing.

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What is the expansion of BCP ?

Bulk Copy Program.

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What is a table called if it has no Clustered index and Non-Clustered index ?


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what is Log Shipping ?

In SQL Server, it is a process of automating the back up of a database and transaction log files on a production server.

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What is the maximum level of recursion allowed in SQL Server ?


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Is recursion allowed in Stored Procedures in SQL Server ?


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What is SQL Profiler ?

Its an tool which is used to montior activites in SQL Server and also helps in increasing performance.

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What are the different types of Sub-Query ?

1. Single-row
2. Multiple-row
3. Multiple-column

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What is the expansion of OLTP ?

OnLine Transation Processing

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What are the different types of Collation sensitivity ?

1. Case sensitivity
2. Accent sensitivity
3. Kana sensitivity
4. Width sensitivity

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What is the default port number on which SQL Server runs on ?


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What is an Identity ?

Its an field which automatically generates numeric values.

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What are the different kinds of User Defined Functions ?

1. Scalar User-Defined Function
2. Inline Table-Value User-Defined Function
3. Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Function

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What is Collation ?

Set of rules which decides how data is sorted and compared.

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What is the difference between 'where' and 'Having' Clause ?

'Where' works before statement is executed and 'having' after executioin. 'Where' is always peferred over 'having'.

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