How will you access a control in master page?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
textbox1.Text = Master.txtuser.text
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Interview Questions and Answers
What is Razor Syntax ?
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Razor enables you to start with static HTML (or any textual content) and then make it dynamic by adding server code to it. One of the core design goals behind Razor is to make this coding process fluid, and to enable you to quickly integrate server code into your HTML markup with a minimum of keystrokes.
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What is Entity Framework?
Monday, December 12, 2011
The ADO.NET Entity Framework enables developers to create data access applications by programming against a conceptual application
model instead of programming directly against a relational storage schema.
The Entity Framework enables developers to work with data in the form of domain-specific objects and properties, such as customers
and customer addresses, without having to concern themselves with the underlying database tables and columns where this data is
stored. With the Entity Framework, developers can work at a higher level of abstraction when they deal with data, and can create
and maintain data-oriented applications with less code than in traditional applications.
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What is NuGet?
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in Visual Studio projects that
use the .NET Framework. When you add a library or tool, NuGet copies files to your solution and automatically makes whatever
changes are needed in your project, such as adding references and changing your app.config or web.config file. When you remove a
library, NuGet removes files and reverses whatever changes it made in your project so that no clutter is left.
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Interview Questions and Answers
What are the various formulas for ETC?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
• ETC = EAC-AC: Use formula when no keywords (i.e. typical, atypical or flawed) are given.
• ETC = BAC-EV: Assumption: use formula if current variances are thought to be atypical in the future.
• ETC = (BAC-EV) / CPI: Assumption: use formula if current variances are thought to be typical in the future.
• ETC = New estimate when it is thought that the original estimate was flawed.
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is the formula to calculate the Present Value?
Saturday, October 29, 2011
PV= FV / (1+i)ⁿ
Where PV is Present Value, FV is Future Value, i is interest, n is number of years
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What are the 3 broad categories of Contract?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
1. Fixed Price
2. Time and Material
3. Cost Reimbursable
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What are the various Communication Methods?
1. Interactive
2. Push
3. Pull
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What does Herzberg's Theory says?
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Hygiene factors (Working conditions, Salary, Personal life) are not sufficient to motivate but Motivating Agents
(Responsibility, Self-actualization)
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What are the 3 needs of people according to David McClelland's Theory of Needs (or Acquired Needs Theory)?
1. Need for Achievement
2. Need for Affiliation
3. Need for Power
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of needs ?
From the lowest to highest in his pyramid is,Physiological, Safety, social, Esteem, Self-actualization.
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is McGregor's Theory of X and Y?
Theory X - People are incapable, avoid responsibility, and avoid work whenever possible
Theory Y - People are willing to work without supervision and want to achieve
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What are the different conflict resolution techniques?
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What is the average percentage of time spent by a project manager in meetings?
Interview Questions and Answers,
What is the approximate Percentage of non-verbal communication?
Interview Questions and Answers,
What are the different stages of Team Formation?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
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What is RACI?
It is an advanced form of Responsibility Assingment Matrix
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What is the expansion of RACI?
Responsible Accountable Consult Inform
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What are the various Quality Theories ?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
1. 80/20 Principle, defined quality as "fitness for use",developed by Joseph Juran
2. Plan-Do=Check-Act cycle, W.Edwards Deming
3. "Zero defects", defined as "conformance to requirements", Philip Crosby
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What are the different Methods of accuracy Estimates ?
1. Rough Order of Estimate:
Accuracy range = +-50
Done at Initiating Process
2. Budgeted Estimate:
Accuracy range = -10 to +25
Planning Process
3. Definitive Estimate:
Accuracy range = +- 10
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What is Control Account ?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Cost estimation done at higher level in the WBS is called Control accout.
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What is Parametric Estimating ?
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Parametric estimating is the process of using historical data to compare against your project to determine a correlation and thereby a cost estimate for your current project.
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What is NDoc ?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The NDoc tool will automatically generate documentation for your code using reflection to examine the assembly and using the XML generated from your C# XML comments. XML comments are only available for C#, but there is a Visual Studio .NET Power Toy called VBCommenter which will do something similar for Visual Basic .NET.
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Documentation Tool,
White box Testing
What is Regulator ?
It is a full-featured tool that makes it easy to build and test regular expressions.
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White box Testing
What is CodeSmith?
CodeSmith is a template-based code-generation tool that uses a syntax similar to ASP.NET to generate any type of code or text. Unlike many other code-generation tools, CodeSmith does not require you to subscribe to a particular application design or architecture.
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White box Testing
What are the Economic Models for Project selection ?
Saturday, October 8, 2011
1. Present Value
2. Net Present Value
3. Internal Rate of Return Dynamic Programming
4. Benefit Cost Ratio
5. Payback period
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What are the Costrained Optimization methods?
1. Linear Programming
2. Integer Programming
3. Dynamic Programming
4. Multi-objective programmig
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What are the benifit measurement models?
1. Murder Board(a panel of people who try to shoot down a new project idea)
2. Peer review
3. scornig models
4. Economic models
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What are the project selection Methods ?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
There are 2 project selection methods:
1. Mathematical models(calculation methods)
2. Benefit Measurement methods(decision models)
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What is the formula for Present Value in project management ?
PV = Future Value / (1 + I)^n where I is the interest rate and n is the number of periods.
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What is the formula for Future Value in project management ?
FV = Current Value x (1 + I)^n where I is the interest rate and n is the number of periods.
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What is the formula for ROI in project Management ?
ROI = (Benefit – Cost)/Cost
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What is the 8/80 rule for WBS ?
Monday, October 3, 2011
No task should be less than 8 hours or more than 80 hours.
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What are the 2 types of Project Selection methods?
1. Mathematical models(calculation methods or Constrained Optimization)
2. Benefit Measurement methods(decision models)
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What are the sub management plans in Project Management ?
Scope management plan
Requirement management plan
Schedule management plan
Cost management plan
Quality management plan
Process improvement plan
Human resource plan
Communication management plan
Risk management plan
Procurement management plan
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How many baselines are there in Project management and what are they ?
There are 3 baselines, they are
Schedule baseline
Cost performance baseline and
Scope baseline
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How many process groups are there PMP , what are they?
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How many processes are there in Project Management?
There are a total of 42 processes.
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What are the 9 knowledge areas in Project Management?
The type of organizations in decreasing order of Project Manager's authority are -
Project Integration Management
Project Scope Management
Project Cost Management
Project Time Management
Project Risk Management
Project Quality Management
Project HR Management
Project Communication Management
Project Procurement Management
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What are the Types of organization ?
The type of organizations in decreasing order of Project Manager's authority are -
1. Projectized
2. Strong Matrix
3. Weak Matrix
4. Functional
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What is a Profiler ?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
It is a tool which does dynamic program analysis. Its main purpose is to aid program optimization. It measures, for example, the usage of memory, duration of function calls.
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is NCover ?
Monday, September 26, 2011
It is a code coverage tool . It provides both command line and GUI support. It has a reporting feature also, which gives output details about the code coverage.
It has been designed to integrate with build process. So we can use it for code coverage.
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What is Moles?
It supports unit testing by providing isolation by way of detours and stubs.
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What is Pex ?
It is a tool which automatically generates test suites with high code coverage. Microsoft Pex is a Visual Studio add-in for testing .NET Framework applications.
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What are Pex and Moles ?
They are the VS 2010 Power tools which help Isolation and white box Unit Testing for .net
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Redirecting to another page in Silverlight
this.NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Products", UriKind.Relative));
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Tell some examples for Library List Templates in Sharepoint ?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
1. Document Library
2. Form Library
3. Wiki Page Library
4. Picture Library
5. Report Library
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Tell some examples for Custom List Templates in Sharepoint ?
1. KPI List Template (MOSS only)
2. Languages and Translators (MOSS only)
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Tell some examples for Tracking List Templates in Sharepoint ?
1. Links
2. Calendar
3. Tasks
4. Issue Tracking
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Tell some examples for Communication List Templates in Sharepoint ?
1. Announcements
2. Contacts
3. Discussion Board
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What is the purpose of Libraries List Templates in SharePoint ?
It provides file storage and Management .
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What is the purpose of Custom List Templates in SharePoint ?
It has advanced options like KPI tracking and language translation.
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What is the purpose of Tracking List Templates in SharePoint ?
It helps site users manage schedules and activities.
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What is the purpose of Communications List Templates in SharePoint ?
Its for connecting site users by providing platform for sharing contact information, ideas and announcements
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What are the various types of SharePoint List Templates ?
There are 4 categories, they are :
1. Communications
2. Tracking
3. Custom
4. Libraries
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What is a Document Library in SharePoint ?
It is a specialized type of list in which every memeber is a file and it can also have additional columns, or metadata associated with that file.
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What is the expansion of CLS ?
Common Language System
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What is the expansion of CTS ?
What is the expansion of MSIL ?
MicroSoft Intermediate Language
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What is the expansion of ADO ?
ActiveX Data Object
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What is the expansion of OLE DB ?
Object Linking and Embedding DataBase
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What is the expansion of OLE ?
Object Linking and Embedding
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What is the expansion of ODBC ?
Open DataBase Connectivity
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What is the expansion of NLB ?
Network Load Balance
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What is the expansion of UDA ?
Universal Data Access
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What is the expansion of MTS ?
Microsoft Transaction Server
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What is the expansion of DNA ?
Distributed iNternet application Architecture
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What is the expansion of GUID ?
Global Unique Identifier
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What is the expansion of IDL ?
Interface Definition Language
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What is the expansion of COM?
Component Object Model
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What is the expansion of PNRP ?
Peer Name Resolution Protocol
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What is the expansion of DSML ?
Directory Service Markup Language
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What are the methods provided by the dataset for XML?
Friday, April 8, 2011
The important methods of a DataSet class for XML are :
1. GetXml Method
2. GetXmlSchema Method
3. InferXmlSchema Method
4. WriteXml Method
5. WriteXmlSchema Method
6. ReadXml Method
7. ReadXmlSchema Method
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Interview Questions and Answers
Which is the best place to store connectionstring ?
App.config - Windows Project
Web.config - Web project
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Interview Questions and Answers
How can we force the connection object to close?
There are 2 ways you can do this:
1. using the ExecuteReader method with "CommandBehavior.CloseConnection" parameter
2. Putting the Connection object with Using statement
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Interview Questions and Answers
What are the two fundamental objects in ADO.NET ?
1. DataReader ( connected mode )
2. DataSet ( disconnected mode )
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Best Practices for an Interview - Part 1
Monday, April 4, 2011
For good Best Practices of Interview preparation read the following link,
Best Practices for an Interview - Part 1
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What are the testing options provided by Microsoft ?
Friday, April 1, 2011
1. Unit Testing integrated into VSTS
2. WebTest
3. Load Test
4. Generic Test
5. Manual Test
6. Ordered Test
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Tell some popular CRM Tools
Thursday, March 31, 2011
1. SAP
2. Seibel
3. Salesforce
4. MS CRM Dynamics
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CRM Tools,
Interview Questions and Answers
What is the expansion of CRM ?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
customer relationship management.
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What is the expansion of DBCC ?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Database Console Commands.
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What is the expansion of CTE ?
Common Table Expression.
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What is a MERGE Statement ?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
It is a statement which gives a way to perform multiple DML operations.
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What is Filtered Index ?
Monday, March 21, 2011
A Filtered Index is an optimized form of non clustered index. A Filtered Index allows us to create a filter to index a subset of rows within a table.
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What are Sparse columns ?
They are ordinary columns optimized for storage of null values, thereby reducing storage physical space.
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What are Sparse columns ?
Where are Usernames and Passwords stored in SQL Server ?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
In System Catalog Views sys.server_principals and sys.sql_logins.
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How will you change the server level settings in SQL Server ?
Using sp_configure
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What are the types of Cursors in SQL Server ?
1. Static
2. Keyset-driven
3. Dynamic
4. Fast-Forward only
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How will you get the last error no in SQL Server ?
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How will you get GUID in SQL Server ?
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Daily Tips- Tip #85 - SQL Performance Tuning
sp_depends is the stored procedure is used to know which table use a rule or default.
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Daily Tips- Tip #84 - SQL Performance Tuning
sp_unbindrule is the stored procedure which is used to unbind rule from table.
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Daily Tips- Tip #83 - SQL Performance Tuning
sp_bindrule is the stored procedure which is used to bind rule to table.
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Daily Tips- Tip #82 - SQL Performance Tuning
sp_helptext is the stored procedure which gives details about rules and defaults.
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Daily Tips- Tip #81 - SQL Performance Tuning
sp_helpdb is the stored procedure which gives details about database.
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Daily Tips- Tip #80 - SQL Performance Tuning
sp_help is the stored procedure which gives table details.
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Daily Tips- Tip #79 - SQL Performance Tuning
sp_helpconstraint is the stored procedure to view constraints.
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Where are the system stored procedures stored in SQL Server ?
In the Master database
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What are the different types of System Testing ?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
1. Facility Testing
2. Volume Testing
3. Stress Testing
4. Usability Testing
5. Security Testing
6. Performance Testing
7. Storage Testing
8. Configuration Testing
9. Installability Testing
10. Reliability Testing
11. Recovery Testing
12. Serviceability Testing
13. Documentation Testing
14. Procedure Testing
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is System Testing ?
The process of comparing the software to its original objectives.
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What is Function Testing ?
It is process of finding discrepencies between the program and requirement.
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What is the other name of Unit Testing ?
Module Testing.
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is the expansion of BCP ?
What is a table called if it has no Clustered index and Non-Clustered index ?
what is Log Shipping ?
In SQL Server, it is a process of automating the back up of a database and transaction log files on a production server.
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What is the maximum level of recursion allowed in SQL Server ?
Is recursion allowed in Stored Procedures in SQL Server ?
What is SQL Profiler ?
Its an tool which is used to montior activites in SQL Server and also helps in increasing performance.
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What are the different types of Sub-Query ?
1. Single-row
2. Multiple-row
3. Multiple-column
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What is the expansion of OLTP ?
OnLine Transation Processing
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What are the different types of Collation sensitivity ?
1. Case sensitivity
2. Accent sensitivity
3. Kana sensitivity
4. Width sensitivity
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What is the default port number on which SQL Server runs on ?
What is an Identity ?
Its an field which automatically generates numeric values.
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What are the different kinds of User Defined Functions ?
1. Scalar User-Defined Function
2. Inline Table-Value User-Defined Function
3. Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Function
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What is Collation ?
Set of rules which decides how data is sorted and compared.
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What is the difference between 'where' and 'Having' Clause ?
'Where' works before statement is executed and 'having' after executioin. 'Where' is always peferred over 'having'.
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What is cross page posting?
Friday, March 18, 2011
It is a post back to a different page.
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What is Sliding Expiration ?
When an expiration is set to expire if there is no activity for some time then it is called as Sliding Expiration.
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What is Absolute Expiration ?
When an expiration is set to expire on a specific date and time it is Absolute Expiration.
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How will you get the stack trace in your application ?
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How will you stop an Iterator ?
using 'Yield break' statement.
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Interview Questions and Answers
Which property specifies the the command is a Stored Procedure?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Dim cmld as SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
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Interview Questions and Answers
What are the 3 values of the ParameterDirection Property?
1. Input
2. Output
3. InputOutput
4. ReturnValue
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Interview Questions and Answers
Which property tells whether the Parameter is input or output?
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What is the name of the method which is used to get the ProcessId?
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Which class provides alternate programmatic approach to Windows Performance Monitor tool?
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Interview Questions and Answers
What are the 2 protected configuration providers in .NET Framework ?
a. RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider
b. DataProtectionCOnfigurationProvider
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Interview Questions and Answers
What is the name of class using which you retrieve values from web.config?
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What is the methods using which we can clear Connection Pools?
a. ClearPool
b. ClearAllPools
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Interview Questions and Answers
Daily Tips- Tip #78 - Performance Tuning .NET - How will you assure an objects disposal on all situations ?
With the help of the 'using' statement.
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Daily Tips- Tip #77 - Performance Tuning .NET - How will you return multiple values from a method ?
By Using the Out keyword on return parameters.
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Daily Tips- Tip #76 - Performance Tuning .NET - Providing Sorting routines to your class
Implement IComparable in your class, which provides sorting routines of List and SortedList.
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Daily Tips- Tip #75 - Performance Tuning .NET
Use System.Collections.Generic.Stack and System.Collections.Generic.Queue instead of System.Collections.Stack and System.Collections.Queue
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Daily Tips- Tip #74 - Performance Tuning .NET
Use System.Collections.Generic.List instead of System.Collections.ArrayList
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What is Classic Mode Authentication ?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It refers to the integrated windows authentication.
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What is Claims based Authentication ?
Claims based authentication addresses privacy and other compliance concerns by requesting less specific, less personal information about people, and by trusting other parties or systems to do the “proof of identity” check.
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What are the 2 types of authentication when you create a sharepoint web application?
1. Claims Based Authentication
2. Classic Mode Authentication
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What is the name of the method which is used to invoke methods dynamically in Reflection?
Monday, March 14, 2011
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What is the expansion of PKC ?
Public Key Cryptography
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Explain What is a chain of responsibility pattern ?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The chain-of-responsibility pattern is a design pattern consisting of a source of command objects and a series of processing objects. Each processing object contains a set of logic that describes the types of command objects that it can handle, and how to pass off those that it cannot handle to the next processing object in the chain.
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What is the threading model for ASP.NET ?
MTA Threading model.
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is Parallel Computing ?
The .NET Framework 4 introduces a new programming model for writing multithreaded and asynchronous code that greatly simplifies the work of application and library developers. The new model enables developers to write efficient, fine-grained, and scalable parallel code in a natural idiom without having to work directly with threads or the thread pool. The new System.Threading.Tasks namespace and other related types support this new model.
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What is the use of EnableViewStateMac ?
Gets or sets a value indicating whether ASP.NET should check message authentication codes (MAC) in the page's view state when the page is posted back from the client.
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In which event are the controls fully loaded ?
Page_Load Event
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SQL Server Performance Tuning Techniques - Set 2
11. Use Indexed Columns in where clause columns as they return results faster.
12. Create a primary key on each table you create and unless you are really knowledgeable enough to figure out a better plan, make it the clustered index
13. Create a primary key on each table you create and unless you are really knowledgeable enough to figure out a better plan, make it the clustered index.
14. Create an index on any column that is a foreign key.
15. Use set nocount on at the top of each stored procedure and set nocount off at the bottom.
16. Avoid using temp table unnecessarily, if needed explicity create them.
17. To help identify long running queries, use the SQL Server Profiler Create Trace Wizard to run the "TSQL By Duration" trace.
18. Use Joins instead of Subqueries.
19. "SET NOCOUNT ON" reduces network traffic between server and client.
20. use the SQL Server's Profiler Create Trace Wizard to run the "Profile the Performance of a Stored Procedure" trace to provide you with the data you need to identify poorly performing stored procedures.
21. Use covering index whereever needed, it reduces logical and physical IO and increases performance.
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Performance Improvement,
SQL Server
SQL Server Performance Tuning Techniques - Set 1
1. Use actual column names instead of '*' in the queries.
2. HAVING clause is used to filter the rows after all the rows are selected. It is just like a filter. Do not use HAVING clause for any other purposes.
3. Try to minimize number of subqueries in your query
4. Avoid using IN unnecessarily as IN is slowest.
5. IN is efficient when most of the filter criteria is in the sub-query.
6. EXISTS is efficient when most of the filter criteria is in the main query.
7. Use EXISTS instead of DISTINCT when using joins which involves tables having one-to-many relationship.
8. Try to use UNION ALL in place of UNION.
9. To store large binary objects, first place them in the file system and add the file path in the database.
10. Best practices :
a) Use single case for all SQL verbs
b) Begin all SQL verbs on a new line
c) Separate all words with a single space
d) Right or left aligning verbs within the initial SQL verb
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Performance Improvement,
SQL Server
What is Database Mirroring ?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Mirroring is creating an additional instance of a SQL Server, thereby increasing availability. The source instance is called Principal Server and the target instance is called the Mirrored server.
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What is the work of the DTC ?
The DTC manages the committing of transactions when there are several different data sources involved.
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What is the expansion of DTC ?
Distributed Transaction Coordinator .
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Daily Tips- Tip #73 - SQL Performance Tuning
"SET NOCOUNT ON" reduces network traffic between server and client.
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Daily Tips- Tip #72 - SQL Performance Tuning
use the SQL Server's Profiler Create Trace Wizard to run the "Profile the Performance of a Stored Procedure" trace to provide you with the data you need to identify poorly performing stored procedures..
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What is a Linked Server ?
It is an alias on the local SQL Server which points to an external data source.
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Daily Tips- Tip #71 - SQL Performance Tuning
Use covering index whereever needed, it reduces logical and physical IO and increases performance.
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What are Covering Indexes?
A covering index, is a form of a composite index, includes all of the columns referenced in the SELECT, JOIN, and WHERE clauses of a query. It reduces logical and physical IO and increases performance.
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Daily Tips- Tip #70 - SQL Performance Tuning
Use Joins instead of Subqueries.
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What is the expansion of SARG ?
Search ARGument.
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What is the advantage of UNION ALL over UNION with respect to performance?
The advantage of the UNION ALL is that is does not perform the SELECT DISTINCT function where the UNION does.
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Daily Tips- Tip #69 - SQL Performance Tuning
To help identify long running queries, use the SQL Server Profiler Create Trace Wizard to run the "TSQL By Duration" trace.
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Daily Tips- Tip #68 - SQL Performance Tuning
Avoid using temp table unnecessarily, if needed explicity create them.
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Daily Tips- Tip #67 - SQL Performance Tuning
Use set nocount on at the top of each stored procedure and set nocount off at the bottom.
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Daily Tips- Tip #66 - SQL Performance Tuning
Create an index on any column that is a foreign key.
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Daily Tips- Tip #65 - SQL Performance Tuning
Create a primary key on each table you create and unless you are really knowledgeable enough to figure out a better plan, make it the clustered index.
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What is a tuple?
A tuple usually represents an object and information about that object.
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Daily Tips- Tip #64 - SQL Performance Tuning
EXISTS is efficient when most of the filter criteria is in the main query.
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Daily Tips- Tip #63 - SQL Performance Tuning
Use Indexed Columns in where clause columns as they return results faster.
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Daily Tips- Tip #62 - SQL Performance Tuning
IN is efficient when most of the filter criteria is in the sub-query.
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Daily Tips- Tip #61 - SQL Performance Tuning
Avoid using IN unnecessarily as IN is slowest..
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Daily Tips- Tip #60 - SQL Performance Tuning
Try to minimize number of subqueries in your query.
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Daily Tips- Tip #59 - SQL Performance Tuning
Use actual column names instead of '*' in the queries.
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What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL ?
Friday, March 11, 2011
Union returns distinct values,unionall returns all values.
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What is WAS Tool?
Web Application Stress ( WAS ) tool, simulates multiple HTTP clients making requests to your Web site, while ASP.NET includes a number of performance counters that you can use to track the execution of your application.
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Daily Tips- Tip #58 - Better Global.asax
create a custom base class for the Global.asax file. This base class inherits from the HttpApplication class, just like the default Global class that sits behind the Global.asax file. The custom base class provides the same members as the default Global.asax file, but even better, you can extend the class with additional members, such as custom properties for tracking counters.
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Name any popular IP Redirector?
Cisco’s LocalDirector or F5 Network’s BIGIP.
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Will ACT provide HTTP Errors Count?
What is TCA?
Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA), provides a quantitative measure of the processing cost of your application for a specific user load.
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What is TTLB?
This counter measures (in milliseconds) how long it takes for the Web application to service a request. TTLB is a key
indicator of how scalable an application is.
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What is the expansion of TTLB?
Time to Last Byte.
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What is ACT?
Application Center Test (ACT), is a stress test tool for Web applications.
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What is the expansion of ACT ?
Application Center Test
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How will you start State Service?
Start >Programs > Administrative Tools > Services > ASP.NET State Service
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Daily Tips- Tip #57 - Background Processing
Use background processing on suitable situations. Use Timer class, found in the System.Threading namespace.
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Daily Tips- Tip #56 - Connection Pooling
Avoid repeatedly connecting to the database , instead use Connection Pooling.
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Daily Tips- Tip #55 - Avoid unnecessary Boxing and Unboxing
Use generics collection as compared to simple collection , to avoid boxing / unboxing.
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Daily Tips- Tip #54 - DB Coding in Application
Use as much of Stored Procedure as you can instead of queries inside the application. By this the execution happens at the backend and only results are returned thereby increasing performance and speed.
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Daily Tips- Tip #53 - String concatination
Use StringBuilder for string concatination instead of String
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Which one is faster Hashtable or Dictionary?
Dictionary is faster than Hashtable.
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What are the most popular naming conventions ?
Pascal , Camel and Hungarian
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What does the Substitution Control does?
The Substitution control specifies a section on an output-cached Web page that is exempt from caching.
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Does Post Cache Substitution disables dynamic Caching?
Yes. It dynamically disables public (or client) caching and switches the page to use server caching. This is because the substitutions need to happen via server-side logic.
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Interview Questions and Answers
How will you implement Post Cache Substitution?
It can be implemented in 2 methods:
1. Call the new Response.WriteSubstitution method, passing it a reference to the desired
substitution method callback.
2. Add a control to the page at the desired location, and set its
methodName attribute to the name of the callback method.
methodName attribute to the name of the callback method.
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Interview Questions and Answers
What is Post Cache substitution?
It implements a dynamic region within a cached page.
Ex: In AdRotator entire page will be cached but a new ad will be displayed on every request.
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Can we post and access view state in another application?
If you post to other applications, PreviousPage property will be null.
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How can i get all the objects in Cache?
The following statement fetches all the objects in cache and stores in a dictionary object.
IDictionaryEnumerator CacheEnum = HttpContext.Current.Cache.GetEnumerator();
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What is Expression Blend?
Microsoft Expression Blend is a user interface design tool from Microsoft for creating graphical interfaces for web and desktop applications.
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What are the disadvantages of using Hidden Fields?
1. Not Secure
2. Reduces Performance on huge data
3. Doesnt support complex data
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Interview Questions and Answers
What are the advantages of using Hidden Fields?
1. Easy to implement.
2. Data is cached at client side hence supports Web Farms
3. Most of the browsers support them
4. Reduces usage of server resources
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What are the Session Modes which support Session_End event?
InProc mode alone has Session_End Event.
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Interview Questions and Answers
How can we access cache object in ASP.NET ?
You can get the cache object either from Cache property of HttpContext class or Page object.
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Interview Questions and Answers
What is the website for istqb related details?
Monday, March 7, 2011
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What the various levels in ISTQB certification?
a. Foundation
b. Advanced
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What is Selenium?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
It is open source test automation tool widely used.
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What is cross browser Testing?
It is a method of testing an application over multiple browsers and operating systems.
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What is Beta Testing?
Monday, February 28, 2011
A prerelease testing done by the customers
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What is Basis Path Testing?
A white box test case design technique that uses the algorithmic flow of the program to design tests.
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What is WIB?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A mobile browser, also called a microbrowser, minibrowser.
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What is the expansion of WIB?
wireless internet browser
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What are the 3 contect delivery types in DRM?
1. Forward Lock
2. Combined Delivery
3. Separate Delivery
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What is the expansion of DRM?
Digital Rights Management
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What is Fault Seeding?
It is a technique used to measure the test coverage.
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is the difference between Retesting and Regression Testing?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Regression Testing:
It is a process where the tester ensures that the software is satisfying the requirements on each and every release. Here the testing is done on already tested functionality and making sure it works now also.
It is a verification process where the tester makes sure that the defect which was marked as fixed by the developer is working as expected, so as to close it.
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What is a master test plan?
Monday, February 21, 2011
A MTP is a high level overall test plan for a large project.
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What are the various types of White-Box Testing?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
1. Code Testing
2. Static Testing
3. Code style Testing
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What are the various types of Black-Box Testing?
1. Functional testing
2. Regression testing
3. Performance testing
4. Load testing
5. Stress testing
6. Boundary testing
7. Usability testing
8. Configuration testing
9. Installation testing
10. Documentation testing
11. Security testing
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What is Static testing?
It is a form of testing which checks the code, algorithm or document to find errors.
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What are the main differences between Agile and Traditional Methodologies?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
1. Development is incremental rather than sequential.
2. People and interactions are emphasized, rather than processes and tools.
3. Working software is the priority rather than detailed documentation.
4. Customer collaboration is used, rather than contract negotiation.
5. Responding to change is emphasized, rather than extensive planning.
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What are all the important areas where performance of an application can be increased?
application level (refactoring ,enhancing code)
database level (optimizing queries)
operating system level (to monitor and alter harware resources)
network level (to enhance or effectively utilize)
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is a sprint in Agile Methodology ?
It is a time-frame in a Agile project.
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What is the role of a Scrum Master in Agile Testing?
He is the lead of the project who allocates Tasks to the team members and tracks Tasks the status of them on a daily basis through scrum calls.
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What are the important principles of Agile Methodology ?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Rapid, continuous delivery
Late changes in requirements are allowed
Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers
Regular adaptation to changing circumstances
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What is a Test Strategy?
A test strategy tells about Test Approach and Test Architecture of the testing project. Also it tells about eh major tasks and challenges.
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What is Software Testing Tracesability Matrix?
Monday, February 14, 2011
It is a mapping of 1 to 1 or 1 to many between requirements and Test Cases.
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Interview Questions and Answers,
What are the popular Estimation Techniques in Software Testing?
1. Pricing to win
2. Parkinson's law
3. Analogy
4. Expert Judgement
5. Algorithmic cost modelling
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What is expansion of ISTQB?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
International Software Testing Qualifications Board.
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Abbreviations and Expansions,
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