Analysis Tools

Saturday, April 18, 2009

NDepend (
Powerful quite complex (and slow) but not free. If you don't pay for it you cannot export anything.
It supplies a great code query feature, but you can't really take advantage of it without a license.

Dependency Structure Matrix PlugIn for .NET Reflector ( )
This is really cool and it's free! Much easier then nDepend in evaluating dependency structure indeed it's definitely faster.

Source Monitor (
Free and easy. Can be used in order to calculate metrics that can be exported to XML.

VisualStudio 2008 Code Analysis or FxCop
Depending on the environment you are currently in you can use MS FxCop or its integration with Visual Studio 2008.

DevAdvantage ( )
If you are dealing with .NET 1.1 and Visual Studio 2003 this tool can help analyzing code (also for naming convention). It can also be used in order to automatically correct violations.
Anticipating Minds it's not doing business anymore, so devAdvantage it's now free.
At present we haven't really used it. Maybe when we'll play the build phase of the project.

CodeIt.Right (
Similar to DevAdvantage but also available for the .NET 2.0 environment. The tool is now at the beta stage.
Same thinking as for DevAdvantage: I cannot say much of it.

Compuware DevPartner Studio (
Last but not least DevParter Studio.
Simply the best! It's not really code analysis, but performance analysis (that I think it's essential in an architecture assessment).
I've used it on the .NET 1.1 platform and I know that the last edition added many features like Memory Analysis, Source Code Review, Error Detection and Diagnosis.


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